Key stage 3

On completion of their Primary education, students enter the Secondary school at Sentinel Kabitaka. During their initial years (Yr6 - Yr8) there is a further emphasis on such areas as study skills, organisational skills and independent learning, in preparation for the external examinations, which they will undertake in this phase of their education. Further content for the EZC curriculum is also introduced in preparation for the Zambian examinations at Year 7 and Year 9.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

At Kabitaka we are a fully registered Cambridge Assessment International Examinations (CAIE) centre and offer the IGCSE examinations over a period of three years (Years 10 - 12), sitting the exams in the Oct/Nov session of their final year.

All our students are initially entered for eight subjects, with the possibility of sitting for a ninth. Of the eight, five are compulsory and three are options which students choose.

The five compulsory subjects are: English, Mathematics, Co-ordinated Science (Double award) and Geography. The remaining three subjects are offered in the following options: students will choose History or Physical Education; Art or Computer Science; Accounts or Agriculture. Students may also have the option to sit for Literature in English, which is taught in conjunction with English language.

Education Certificate of Zambia (ECZ)

We are a fully registered centre for both ECZ Year 7 and Year 9 examinations.

For Year 7 our students are timetabled for the eight examinable subjects with subject specialists for science and technology, music, art, physical education, home economics and Zambian languages (KiiKaonde).

In Year 9 our students can follow the academic pathway where the can continue with Zambian languages or they can follow the option whereby they can study Art. As per Year 7 we have subject specialists in all departments.


For those of our pupils who have a more practical aptitude, Sentinel Kabitaka has a relationship with local vocational colleges, where students can experience short courses.