Our House System
The house system is a traditional feature of our school, which we use to promote pastoral care, healthy competition and a sense of loyalty between students. This grouping of pupils provides a focus for each student in whatever pursuits they embark upon within the school, as outstanding conduct will attract house points, whereas the opposite will result in deductions. The house system runs vertically throughout the school; once allocated a house, a student will remain in it until the day they leave the school. Siblings will automatically be in the same house.
The houses at Sentinel Kabitaka are Kansanshi House (blue), Frontier House (green), Sentinel House (yellow) and Enterprise House (red). The allocation of houses depends on the gender and age needs of each house as pupils enter the school, apart from siblings.
Pages for each house are currently under construction, which will include a brief message from the housemaster/mistress and photographs of the students.